Training Record – Short Courses

Specific Learning Difficulties Training

PATOSS JCQ Access Arrangements: Assessment and Management 2019/2020  25/09/2019

PATOSS CPD Training Exploring Current Issues in SpLD – Mental Health and SpLD  20/06/2018

PATOSS JCQ Access Arrangements: Assessment and Management 2017/2018  27/09/2017

PATOSS Dyslexia Guild Applying for an Assessment Practising Certificate March 2017

Teaching for Neurodiversity Train the Trainer Event, London 07.12.2016

Study Skills, Do It Webinar 07.09.2016

How can schools and colleges deliver equal, practical and student centred approaches for students with potential SpLDs?  Do It 14.05.2016

PATOSS Annual Conference, Keynote address The Mind/Brian of a Dyslexic; From Genes to Behaviours, London 16.04.2016

Myths about Dyslexia, Do It Webinar 06.04.2016

Assessment and Training of Visual Skills Do It Webinars 09.03.2016

PATOSS CPD Access Arrangements Update on 2015/16 JCQ Regulations

Disabled Student Allowance Changes: An Inclusive Future?  University of Southampton Enabling Services Conference 18.06.2015

Dyslexia Action Webinar Exam Access Arrangements 15.10.2013

PATOSS Annual Conference: Keynote address ADHD and Dyslexia: A curious couple, London 24.03.2012

Uses of TOMAL 2: Dyslexia Action Webinar, 13.03.2013

Adults with DCD/Dyspraxia and ADHD, Dyscovery Centre, Amanda Kirby 15.10.2008

Autism Spectrum Condition/Asperger’s Syndrome Training

Women and Girls on the Autism Spectrum 27/03/2018

Autism Awareness Training: Esther Gardner Educational Psychologist (Dorset County Council) 07.09.2016

Supporting Transition into Higher Education for Students with A.S.D. and Mental Health Conditions, including a focus on Sensory Processing issues, University of Southampton Enabling Services, 10.07.2013

Relationships and Social Skills for individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome/ High Functioning Autism, Sandy Teal, 13.11. 2013

N.A.S. Conference 5/6 March 2013, including: Overlap is the rule rather than the exception: Professor Amanda Kirby: CBT for people with autism, Dr Ann Ozsivadjian; NICE guidance for adults with autism and DSM-5: what difference will they make? Dr Judith Gould, the NAS Lorna Wing Centre; 21st Century inclusion: using IT to engage and communicate, Dr Dinah Murray

Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs and Autism Spectrum, Hampshire County Council   09.09.2012

N.A.S. Webinar: Education of Girls on the Autistic Spectrum 21.03.2012

N.A.S. Seminar: Attwood on Asperger’s 10.05.2011, Winchester: talks on making friends, and cognitive profiles.

N.A.S. workshop: Managing Anger, Eastleigh, 18.01. 2011

N.A.S. Webinar: Language and Autism 22.04.2010 

Mental Health Training

PATOSS CPD Training Exploring Current Issues in SpLD – Mental Health and SpLD  20/06/2018

Introduction to Mental Health Disorders, Dorset NHS trainer, 96.07.2015

Working with Personality Disorders 24.10.2012

Introduction to Mental Disorders,  Brockenhurst College, date unknown.

General Training for H.E. and F.E. 

Data Protection/GDPR online training 10/07/2019

Safeguarding 09/07/2019

Diversity in the Workplace 09/07/2019

Inclusive, Cohesive and Safe Colleges  10/07/2019

Randstad online training modules 08.09.2016: Confidentiality and Data Protection, General Disability Awareness Training, Health and Safety, Lone working, Professional Boundaries, Safeguarding

College of Policing Channel General Awareness online training 24.11.2015

Disabled Student Allowance Changes: An inclusive future University of Southampton Enabling Services Conference 18/06/2015

Diversity in the Workplace online training 21.10.2014

Supporting transition into Higher Education for students with physical and sensory impairments, University of Southampton Enabling Services, 10.07.2014

Visual Impairment Awareness Training, Hampshire County Council 02.09.2014

Diversity in the Workplace online training 18.11.2011

Child Protection Safeguarding Level 2 online training 26.05.2010

Setting up and managing a successful peer mentoring programme, London 03.03.2010